Welcome to Rock of Ages
In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament, Rock of Ages exists to build up one another in the Christian faith and to make known the love of Christ within our church, community, and the world, for Jesus is the Rock and Light of our salvation.
We are a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.

I have lived in Wisconsin nearly my whole life, except for the few years I attended seminary in St. Louis. I grew up in Fredonia, Wisconsin and felt the Lord’s Call to serve in the ministry. I graduated from Concordia Seminary in 2011 and received a call to service at The Lutheran Chapel of the Cross in Racine, WI. After 10 years I felt the Lord’s Call to serve the people at Rock of Ages and began my ministry July 11, 2021. My wife, Abigail, is from Barrington, Illinois and we were married in July of 2012. We have two children, Evelyn and David. Abigail has been a teacher in the LCMS for ten years. I am very excited to be in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. My wife and I feel very much at home in this community. I look foward to the coming years being able to preach and teach and care for God’s children as we gather to worship Him and receive His good gifts. May God bless you all and please don’t hesitate to stop in and say hello.
Blessings in Our Risen Lord,
Pastor Brian Liermann